Fair enough: University celebrates Fairtrade Fortnight
29 February 2016
A movement which supports farmers around the world by promoting products that pay them a fairer wage will be celebrated at the University of Lincoln next month. The University, which was awarded Fairtrade University Status in 2012, will be celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight alongside the University Chaplaincy with a host of games, foodie treats and giveaways […]

A movement which supports farmers around the world by promoting products that pay them a fairer wage will be celebrated at the University of Lincoln next month.
The University, which was awarded Fairtrade University Status in 2012, will be celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight alongside the University Chaplaincy with a host of games, foodie treats and giveaways on the 1st of March 2016.
Quad Catering will serve pancakes with Fairtrade fillings, including Fairtrade bananas donated by the Sainsbury Local on Carholme Road, while Divine Chocolate, which is also co-owned by a co-operative of 80,000 cocoa farmers in Ghana, will be giving away samples to passers-by. The event will take place between 10am and 2pm on the 1st of the Minerva Building at the Brayford Pool campus!
This year’s theme for Fairtrade Fortnight is ‘Sit down for breakfast, stand up for farmers’, and encourages consumers to choose products which have been ethically created to ensure farmers can put food on their own tables.
Dan Clayton, Environmental Manager at the University of Lincoln, said: “The University is focusing on working together as a community to raise awareness of the Fairtrade movement and how individuals can all make a difference.
“Since being awarded Fairtrade University Status, we have worked hard to ensure that we continue to meet the five goals required to qualify, which are having a Fairtrade policy statement, getting Fairtrade products on campus, using those products at meetings, organising Fairtrade campaigns and setting up a Fairtrade Steering Group.
“Fairtrade has moved from being a niche product to being part of the mainstream consumer market, so it is only right that we support this initiative and offer our staff and students access to ethical-sourced products.”
Charlotte Green, Marketing Director at Divine Chocolate said: “Each Fairtrade Fortnight, Divine chocolate partners with Fairtrade groups to provide Divine chocolate, Fairtrade resources and marketing materials to support selected events. We’re delighted to see more and more groups joining in with Fortnight activities and raising awareness about how choosing Fairtrade products can make a real difference.”
Find out more here http://estates.lincoln.ac.uk/fairtrade