Lincoln’s Dr Hanya Pielichaty Appointed to National Board to Help Transform People’s Social, Physical and Personal Wellbeing
9 February 2023
Written by: vsimons
A former footballer and Lincoln academic is set to influence physical activity policy and provision across the UK. Dr Hanya Pielichaty has been appointed to Active Partnerships’ National Board as a new Non-Executive Director, employing her specialism in equality, diversity and inclusion.
A former footballer and Lincoln academic is set to influence physical activity policy and provision across the UK. Dr Hanya Pielichaty has been appointed to Active Partnerships’ National Board as a new Non-Executive Director, employing her specialism in equality, diversity and inclusion.
Active Partnerships works closely with Sport England, amongst other highly influential partners, to advocate the benefits of physical activity, affect policy change as required, and address local needs informed by data driven insight and targeting resources accordingly.
Dr Pielichaty, Associate Professor and Programme Leader within Lincoln International Business School at the University of Lincoln, UK, said: “I am thrilled to be joining the National Active Partnerships Board and cannot wait to get started! As an academic, there is nothing more wonderful than being able to use your research and expertise for wider benefit and that is what I hope to do through this exciting opportunity.”
“We are living through times of change, uncertainty, inequality and personal and societal difficulties, and I believe the Active Partnerships network is ideally positioned to address these. Engaging with sport and physical activity has the power to transform our everyday experiences in relation to our social, physical and personal wellbeing. I hope to use my background in equity and sports education to facilitate social change through an evidence-based approach to transformation.”
Over 20 years’ experience playing football for clubs including West Bromwich Albion and Lincoln City formed Dr Pielichaty’s interest in gender, identity and equality surrounding sports. This culminated into a career of research into these topics; she is now an internationally published author with her book ‘Football, Family, Gender and Identity: The Football Self’ and an expert in the discipline of sociology of sport.
Dr Pielichaty utilises these specialised skill sets in her role as Director of Student Inclusion at the Eleanor Glanville Institute to ensure that equity and diversity is embedded in student-centred activity and research. This same enthusiasm for proactively integrating equality diversity and inclusion into physical activity initiatives will be applied through her new role at Active Partnerships.
Dave Capper Chair, Active Partnerships National Board said: “I am delighted to welcome Hanya to the national board at a very exciting time for us. The Active Partnership Network exists to help make physical activity the social norm for everyone. To do this effectively we need to help bridge the equity gap that exists in our society.
“Hanya’s expertise will play a key role in helping us to develop our thought leadership in this important area so that the National Team and wider network can be a force for good to help drive positive change.”
The National Board role will complement Dr Pielichaty’s recent appointment as a trustee to Lincoln City Foundation, a regional body dedicated to inspiring, empowering, and helping individuals and communities to improve their physical, social, and mental wellbeing within the county.
Andy Taylor CEO, Active Partnerships National Team said: “On behalf of the Board, staff and network, we are delighted to welcome Hanya to the national board. Hanya shares a deep passion for challenging social inequities and gender injustices and will add huge value to the Board through her expertise in equality, equity, diversity and inclusion.
“I am very excited about the expertise and support she will bring to help us think differently and help us embed an inclusive culture within the national team as well as supporting the wider network”.
For more information on the Active Partnership Board visit: