Launch of Lincoln Be Smarter
14 February 2023
Written by: gathomas
Lincoln Be Smarter (LBS), a project that focuses on the digitisation of Lincoln based businesses, is pleased to announce the event to celebrate its formal launch.
The event is the formal launch of the new ‘Lincoln Be Smarter’ project. At the event, the project website will be revealed. The vision, background and focus of LBS along with the services being offered to the Lincoln based SMEs will be presented. The eligibility criteria will be touched upon. The project launch will provide a networking platform to the Lincoln Based SMEs, University of Lincoln academics and the project delivery team and open the doorway to work together.
We are pleased to have Louise Troen, VP of Global Content Marketing at Headspace, as our guest speaker. Louise is best known for her work spearheading the international expansion of the dating app Bumble, where she oversaw the growth of the Bumble community to over 43 million users worldwide. Louise has shown herself to be an adept forward thinker, being able to navigate new markets in both offline and online capacities and is a prime example of how the adoption of digital technologies can help benefit businesses.
Lincoln Be Smarter is a three-year project that has been made possible by £1.29 million funding from the Be Lincoln Towns Deal, with the total funding for the project being £2.34 million. The initiative is one out of 13 projects to form part of a larger, £19 million investment plan, with the Town Deal being an agreement in principle between Government, the Lead Council and the Town Deal Board. Lincoln Be Smarter will be achieved through networking events, workshops, liaison with expert University of Lincoln academics and by enabling the adoption of technologies and development of new products and systems through access to innovation grants.
In anticipation of the event Stephanie Maloney, Director of Research & Enterprise said:
“We are thrilled to be launching Lincoln Be Smarter to Lincoln City businesses. We firmly believe that the project will make great strides in helping SMEs digitise their operations and improve their productivity.
“The project goes beyond introducing the technologies or products to the recipients of LBS grants. We aim to increase awareness of digitisation and shift attitudes on the adoption of new and existing technologies.”
The event will be held at The Showroom, Lincoln, on Tuesday 28 February from 4pm – 7pm and is free to attend. We believe that the event will be of interest to CEO’s and Managing Directors of Lincoln Based SMEs and University of Lincoln Academics. The event will be hosted by Lincoln Be Smarter team, Research and Enterprise, University of Lincoln.