Apprenticeships Praised at Quality Professional Awards

2 July 2024

Written by: gathomas

A team from the University of Lincoln were present last week at at the finals of the first ever Quality Professional Awards.The awards honour the outstanding contributions made by quality improvement practitioners and leaders in further education and employability.

On Friday 26 June, Professor Sharon Green, Associate Professor Ann Lloyd, and Lisa Wright from the Office of Apprenticeships and Skills team represented the University of Lincoln at the awards ceremony held at The Hilton Hotel in Leeds.

Finalists across 9 categories, represented organisations across the UK including universities, FE colleges, independent training providers, third-sector providers, and employers of all sizes.

The team were honoured that the University of Lincoln was recognised as one of six finalists in the “Compliance Team of the Year” category.

The judges commented on the University of Lincoln’s submission: “This team personifies a whole organisation approach to compliance being made up of a cross-disciplinary team. They have used innovative approaches to gaining buy-in to improve performance in what is commonly a challenging journey to bring apprenticeship compliance into HE.”

Speaking after attending the awards, Professor Sharon Green, Dean for Executive Education and Skills said:

“It is great to see an awards event that recognises the work of quality teams across the education sector. We support colleagues through quality compliance frameworks and funding rules with a shared attitude and commitment to quality. Being inspection ready at any point in the academic year takes time and patience and by being a trusted support mechanism we can reduce the pressure on delivery teams”.