Displaying posts in the Category Events, which has 158 posts.
Lincoln’s iconic buildings provide perfect stage for city&…
Gail Swift - May 12th, 2017
A new four-week festival celebrating emerging creative talent will launch this month in Lincoln’s first Festival of Creativity. The festival wil…
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The Newtonian Moment – free talk explores Sir Isaac Newton…
Gail Swift - May 12th, 2017
The genius of Lincolnshire’s most famous scientific son will be the subject of a free public talk later this month, as the University of Lincoln, UK…
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Understanding the science of asthma
Gail Swift - April 21st, 2017
A free public lecture will examine the underlying science behind asthma – a condition that affects one in 11 people in the UK and costs the NHS bill…
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Are we speaking clearly? Lord Boateng examines changing global a…
Gail Swift - March 15th, 2017
A House of Lords peer and global development campaigner will examine how communication and education between nationalities plays a key role in helping…
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Computing pioneer to launch equality centre and deliver free pub…
Gail Swift - March 8th, 2017
Pioneering businesswoman and philanthropist Dame Stephanie ‘Steve’ Shirley will deliver a free public talk at the University of Lincoln, UK, offer…
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Indie-Lincs: international film festival to showcase original ta…
Gail Swift - March 8th, 2017
Independent film makers from around the world will come together at the University of Lincoln, UK, this month when the international film festival, In…
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Top financial expert shares experiences at latest Great Minds
Gail Swift - March 6th, 2017
One of the UK’s top financial experts has shared details of her career and varied experiences in the latest instalment of the Great Minds guest lec…
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Frequency, Lincoln’s Festival of Digital Culture, returns for …
Gail Swift - March 2nd, 2017
Frequency Festival, Lincoln’s biennial celebration of digital culture, will return for a fourth edition in 2017 thanks to a major grant award from A…
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Young mathematicians demonstrate skills in annual challenge
Gail Swift - February 27th, 2017
Young mathematicians from across the UK battled it out in the University of Lincoln’s annual mathematics challenge, which is designed to test the ma…
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New briefing series looks ahead to the future of farming
Gail Swift - February 23rd, 2017
A new series of breakfast briefings detailing the latest agri-tech research and how it will impact on farming in the future has commenced in Lincolnsh…
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Information evening for parents on applying to university
Gail Swift - January 17th, 2017
Parents and carers are being invited to join the University of Lincoln for a special information evening about how to support and advise children appl…
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Students celebrate university success at graduation
Gail Swift - January 17th, 2017
The start of 2017 has seen the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of hundreds of University of Lincoln students when they graduated at Lincoln …
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